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体育运动 & Exercise Studies

365亚洲版学院的体育和运动研究项目将全面的文科教育与课堂相结合, 实验室, and field experiences. 研究生s are prepared for careers or graduate schools.  许多人进入了学院的教练和体育领导硕士课程.

sport and exercise students examine bone structure on a lab skeleton

Why Study 体育运动 & Exercise at Randolph?


广泛的知识基础挑战我们的学生探索人类运动的基础, personal health and fitness, 以及运动机能学等多维课程的体育管理, motor development, exercise physiology, sport nutrition, exercise testing and prescription, sport management, and sport sociology.

的 integration of our classroom, 实验室, 与学院通识教育项目的实地体验提供了全面的文科教育体验. Students graduate with a bachelor of arts degree.

Degrees offered

B.A., 体育运动 and Exercise Studies: 教练ing and 体育运动 Performance 

B.A., 体育运动 and Exercise Studies: Health and Fitness

M.A., 教练ing and 体育运动 Leadership

Minor, 体育运动 and Exercise Studies

Curriculum and Courses

Related Programs




Hands-On Experiences



Senior Capstone

In culmination of the senior year, 学生将口头陈述他们的实习经历,并在体育和运动研究的学科范围内进行文献综述.

After Graduation

研究生 Programs

研究生s are prepared for master’s programs in

  • exercise science,
  • 运动机能学,
  • health promotion,
  • wellness management,
  • athletic training,
  • athletic administration,
  • sport psychology,
  • sport sociology, and
  • therapeutic recreation



Career opportunites include:

  • Corporate Health and Wellness Director
  • Exercise Physiologist
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation specialist
  • Athletic Directors
  • 体育运动s Information Director
  • Athletic Trainer
  • Recreation Director
  • 教练
  • Physical 的rapy Aid
  • Fitness Instructor
  • Exercise and 体育运动 Nutritionist
  • Youth Fitness Director
  • Geriatric Wellness Director
  • Strength/Conditioning Specialist
  • Exercise Fitness Journalism
  • Recreational 的rapist
  • Director of 体育运动s Facilities
  • 体育运动s Psychologist
  • Health Club Manager
  • Exercise Testing Technologist

Unique Experiences


Historic Preservation Law

Janie Campbell ’12, history major
Preservation Consultant, law firm of Rogers Lewis Jackson Mann & Quinn, LLC, Columbia, South Carolina


“I work closely with project architects to ensure that historic, 每个建筑的特征定义元素被保留和修复, 对于1929年的飞机机库来说,重要的东西与1963年中叶的现代汽车旅馆的独特之处是截然不同的!”

她撰写国家史迹名录提名和历史保护认证申请, which detail the property’s significance.  她还会进行实地考察,以确保工作按照之前的描述和照片完成, 在, and after conditions of each project.

365亚洲版无疑为我的研究和写作技能奠定了基础. 的 Summer Research Program尤其是为我现在所做的基于地点的研究做好了准备. “


Carolyn Sarson

Associate Professor of 体育运动 and Exercise Studies

阅读更多... Carolyn Sarson

Meghan Halbrook

Associate Professor of 体育运动 and Exercise Studies, 教练和体育领导硕士学位课程主任, Director of 研究生 Studies, Certified Mental Performance Consultant

阅读更多... Meghan Halbrook

Department News

Meet the graduates: Tristian Palmer ’24




He presented three papers at the Hawaii University conference.


Randolph celebrates 2023 mid-year graduates



Meet the graduates: Tristian Palmer ’24




He presented three papers at the Hawaii University conference.


Randolph celebrates 2023 mid-year graduates


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Department Chair

Carolyn Sarson

Associate Professor of 体育运动 and Exercise Studies

凭证:B.A., Pennsylvania State University
M.A., University of Virginia
Associated Departments:体育运动 and Exercise Studies, Master's Degree in 教练ing and 体育运动 Leadership
办公室:Thoresen 5


I have a passion for teaching the exercise sciences! What a great experience to be able to do what I love on a daily basis. Having recently developed a new major in sport and exercise studies, 我从长期担任学院首席运动教练的职业生涯过渡到继续通过教学和建议职责指导学生. Can you think of any other dream job? My background is in health and physical education, athletic training, and exercise physiology; therefore, I bring a wide range of discipline knowledge in mentoring our students. 我希望他们从我的兴奋和热情中吸取教训,并将他们的知识回馈给他人.

观察学生在临床/课堂知识和实验室经验之间的联系,从而使他们在如何提高锻炼或运动表现方面产生“灵光”,这是最有意义的经历. My favorite classes to teach are nutrition, exercise physiology, evaluation of athletic injuries, and exercise and health assessment. I utilize a hands-on applied approach in many of my classes, as I prefer to keep myself actively engaged with students.

I am an outdoor enthusiast! 在我的空闲时间,你会发现我露营,徒步旅行,皮划艇,骑自行车,或者遛狗. 当户外的乐趣结束后,我经常躺在吊床或安乐椅上,看一本好书.


Meghan Halbrook

Associate Professor of 体育运动 and Exercise Studies, 教练和体育领导硕士学位课程主任, Director of 研究生 Studies, Certified Mental Performance Consultant

凭证:BA, University of Missouri-St. 路易
MS., Ball State University
MA, West Virginia University
PhD, West Virginia University
Associated Departments:体育运动 and Exercise Studies, Master's Degree in 教练ing and 体育运动 Leadership
办公室:Thoresen 3


我相信课堂上的成功不仅仅是通过考试成绩来衡量的. 成功包括发展人际关系、领导技能、自我效能和内在动力. 我也相信通过运用运动和运动心理学的概念来帮助学生应对逆境, such as resilience skills, conflict resolution, 作为一名教育者,沟通是最有益的成功. 因此, I strive to create a very positive, 支持, and interactive environment in the classroom. 我的班级通常会参与辩论和结合时事的案例研究, 研究, educated opinions, and course material. 全面发展的学生成为有思想、有目的的人和专业人士, which impacts their connection to others in their desired field, as well as the continued, 365亚洲版学院体育和运动研究项目的积极发展.

这些信念和程序是在多年的教学、咨询和研究中形成的. Much like I try to do in the classroom with all students, 我的研究重点是为LGBTQ+运动员创造一个包容和支持的环境. 尽管有人认为,在过去的15年里,LGBTQ+的权利和接受取得了一些重要的进展, 教练的职业发展机会仍然很少包括365亚洲版LGBTQ+运动员和体育环境中的同性恋恐惧症的信息. Diversity education, specifically with regard to LGBTQ+ athletes, teaches the use of inclusive language, development of team policies, and appropriate response strategies to deal with concerns, 事件, or biases on the court or field. 在未来, 我希望为青年教练开发培训课程和材料,以增加理解和接受, 并减少团队环境中欺凌和骚扰的发生率.

When class is not in session, 我喜欢制作比预期更具竞争性的休闲游戏和活动,并与家人共度时光, 朋友, and my two dogs, 里斯和凯.
